VR Mindfulness Exercise

 VR Mindfulness Exercise Main Menu

Main Menu overview

 Exercise Name Character Selection Scene Selection
MOD2: Body Scan Exercise
  • Fuji Lake Park
  • Tung Lung Chau Geo Park
MOD3a: Stretching Exercise
  • Fuji Lake Park
  • Tung Lung Chau Geo Park
MOD3b: Stretching Exercise
  • Animate (Manga) Park
  • Planet in the Universe
MOD 4a: Mindfulness Observation
  • Ryuokyo Hot Spring Hotel
  • Tung Lung Chau Geo Park
MOD 4b: Mindfulness Observation
  • Animate (Manga) Park


Demo for MOD2


Demo for MOD3

Demo for MOD4

Integration coming up:

1. Raycasting interaction. Select UI elements and interact the exercise with head only. 

2. Transfer to Mobile application. Re-build into mobile apk.


NOTE: The videos above are unlisted on YouTube. Only for people who has the link of this page or the Youtube link. Also, YouTube has compressed by video somehow. Feel free to download HD version of the video via the link below.

Main Menu





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